Discover all what our software could do for you. Automate delivers and manage in real time your delivery men.
How can GesLaDen improve your lab’s deliveries and gain time?
GesLaDen allow automate and manage your deliveries of material to the clinics. Control your delivery men and where they are in real time.
The program analyzes the best route to optimize time and increase your billing.
Forget phone calls!
Discover all the posibilities of automate your deliveries.
Clinic Management
Save time for delivery people calculating the shortest route available.
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Register clinics will have access to App Clinic (available for Android and iOs), where they will see their notices in real time.
We save clinic basic information as location and maps coordinates.
The software generates shortest route in case several clinics have notices at same time to economate your delivery men’s time.
Delivery Men
Localize on map where are your delivery men.
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Throught GPS localization you can know where the place where your delivery men are, even if they have not open the app in that moment.
Statistics and Reports
Generates quickly statistics and reports by clinics and delivery men of the managed notices.
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You will have access to statistics of delivery men and clinics to know their notice levels and how many notice they are waiting for.
You can download a list in EXCEL or PDF of the notices made.
No permanence
You can contract and drop out anytime anywhere, with no permanence or penalty.
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GesLaDen has no permanence. You can drop out anytime, but we know you will love it and can’t live without it.
GesLaDen remove up to 70% of laboratory phone calls and allow to control delivery men and deliveries in a eficent way.
Start save time now!
Real time notices
Clinics and delivery men receive notifications in their mobiles about notices’ status
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Notices allow all, clinic, laboratory and delivery man, know the status of a notice.
Mobile apps
GesLaDen is available for all platforms, iOs and Android.
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There is an app for Delivery Men, an app for Clinics and other one for Laboratory.
This Apps are FREE and are availables on iOs and Android. Supported by 95% of current mobiles
Furthermore, they are included on every GesLaDen pack.
Software Web
No need to install anything; GesLaDen is a software hosted in the Cloud.
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GesLaDen is a web software, it means you only need a browser to work with.
Additionally, there are apps for Android and iOS, so you can take the laboratory with you in your pocket..
Notices and Notifications
Receive email alerts of the most important events and save time.
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You will receive alerts in your email of main events.
Free Updates
Our technical support will give you the help you need to use the app.
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